design make models construction transport of snow snow radiation rest cutting a lot of knives mass production finish |
design First of all, we make designs. Not employ designer but design ourselves. |
make models making models with designs. sometimes we make figures for animation or musical characters etc. also we make models with designs. |
construction next, scaffolding is set up to make a statue. |
transportation of snow we need pure white snow. to tell the truth , it is a little bit dirty in the city . so we pransport snow from mountains. the amount of snow is through 500 to 1000 trucks of snow every each big snow statue. |
snow radiation while transportaining snow , snow is radiatid into frame. |
take a rest if snow radiation finish, we take a rest 2 or 3 days. radiated snow is very soft. but it herdens and condense more and more because of its weight . Sometimes people support our mission and we take rest. |
cutting use chain saw cutting hard snow. |
a lot of knives we use many knives , and many kinds of knives : kitchin knives , hatchets , planes , etc. |
mass production sometimes we use mold to make blocks , roof tiles it fixed with snow paste. |
finish add water and make snow paste ( it likes sherbet) . paste it , smoothing statue's surface. |
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